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Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field Addon

Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field Addon

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Product Description

About Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Field Addon

Advanced Custom Fields is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to add custom fields to your posts, pages, and custom post types. One of the most powerful features of this plugin is the repeater field addon, which allows you to group a set of fields together and repeat them as many times as needed.

With the Advanced Custom Fields repeater field addon, you can create dynamic and flexible layouts for your website. This addon is particularly useful when you have a set of fields that needs to be repeated, such as a list of testimonials, team members, or portfolio items.

To use the repeater field addon, you first need to create a new field group in Advanced Custom Fields. In this field group, you can add different types of fields, such as text, image, WYSIWYG editor, and more. Once you have added the fields you need, you can then enable the repeater field for this group.

The repeater field works by allowing you to add multiple instances of the field group. Each instance can have its own set of values for the fields in the group. For example, if you have a field group for testimonials, you can add multiple testimonials with different names, photos, and content.

With the repeater field addon, you can easily manage and organize your repeated fields. You can add, delete, and reorder the instances of the field group directly from the WordPress admin interface. This makes it extremely easy to update and modify the content of your website without having to touch any code.

Furthermore, the repeater field addon also provides powerful options for displaying the repeated fields on your website. You can use a foreach loop to iterate through the instances of the field group and display the fields. This allows you to create custom templates and layouts for your repeated fields.

For example, you can create a template to display each testimonial as a card with a photo, name, and content. You can also add custom CSS classes to the fields and style them differently depending on their position in the repeater field. This gives you complete control over the appearance and functionality of your repeated fields.

The repeater field addon also integrates seamlessly with other Advanced Custom Fields functionalities. You can use conditional logic to show or hide certain fields based on the values of other fields in the repeater field group. You can also use the field group as a subfield within a parent field group, allowing you to create more complex and nested fields.

In conclusion, the Advanced Custom Fields repeater field addon is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and flexible layouts for your website. With this addon, you can easily repeat a set of fields as many times as needed, and manage and display the repeated fields with ease. Whether you need to create a list of testimonials, team members, or portfolio items, the repeater field addon is the perfect solution for adding and managing repeated fields in WordPress.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    March 22nd, 2022
  • License
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