Basic Questions

Free Software Foundation permits to everyone to copy and distribute verbatim copies for Inc. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.Subscriptions support us and due to this crowdfunding prices of the products are low.

We do not provide license keys and free updates for the products you downloaded.We are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited.

We do not change the functionality of products and do not fix developer bugs.

As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licenced so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.

The files that are available on this site are 100% Original. None of files has been not modified and do not contain malware.

We even use them on our site!

All themes and plugins can be directly downloaded from website of the producing company. We download to our website without any modification. You can use all the files on your website, mind at peace.

We do not sell any products downloaded from third-party resources.

There is no limit on themes and plug-ins that you have installed any time.

There is no limit on themes and plug-ins that you have installed any time.

A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This is because the theme download package on ThemeForest includes additional files to the theme such as the documentation, license etc.To solve this simply unzip the theme package you downloaded from grabplugin and upload the file which is included (with the file being the name of the theme).

Product Updates

We usually add new products every day and publish new versions of the existing products. Please note we do not update products immediately and do not issue guarantee that the last version of each products will be added.

If you need to update the product, you must download it from our website and perform the update manually. If you want to receive automatic updates you must purchase the product directly from the developer.

Yes, you can submit us your request and we are pleased to update for you as soon as possible. Please note that we do not issue guarantee that the last version of each products will be added.

We recommend that you take a bckup of your website before updating any Plugins\Themes.

  • Download the latest .zip file for the plugin From Or Website.
  • Log into your WordPress website.
  • Go to “Plugins\Themes”>“Add New.”
  • Click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
  • Select the .zip file with the updated version of the plugin.
  • Click the “Install Now” button.
  • Click on “Replace Current With Uploaded” Button.

It is the most simple and correct way to update the product is to replace the files of the old version of the product with the new version files. All product settings are saved, as they are stored in the database of the website.


We do not sell, lease and approve the licence keys. All the products presented on this internet site are licensed under GNU GPL License. If you need automatic update and Support from only producer, you need licence keys.

Yes, it is legal. All digital products on the website are released under GNU General Public License.

No, All Products comes Pre-actiavted (Execpt Some)

Please ignore these warnings. Developers request to register from you in order to be automatically updated the plugins and themes. These warnings do not prevent the plugins and themes from running.

You can use this plugins in order to close that warning;

Other Questions

Please carefully read the description and features of the product from original website before purchasing it. We do not give any guarantees that the product you purchased will function the way you want.We do not change the functionality of the products in any way, if you need details about the work or compatibility of the product, please contact directly the developer.

We provide open source software. You can check by yourself any product downloaded from our website and make sure that our files are downloaded directly from the developers and do not contain malicious code, viruses or ads.

To check the product for malicious code, for example, use the plugins Exploit Scanner, Wordfence, Acunetix WP Security, Sucuri Security, Antivirus, the service VirusTotal or the scanner Aibolit.

(Execpt Elementor Pro) You won’t be able to import assets, templates, and other importable content listed in a plugin because they require api access to connect to the plugin’s server. GPL gives you the right to use the static plugin. However we try to add these templates as separate product for eg. Divi Templates for you to download the json file and import it back to plugin.

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