WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO

WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO


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About WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO


WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO is a powerful WordPress plugin that provides advanced security features to protect your website from various online threats. It allows you to hide sensitive information about your WordPress site to prevent hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities. With its robust security enhancements, you can have peace of mind knowing that your website is safe and secure.

Hide WordPress Features

One of the key features of WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO is the ability to hide specific WordPress features that could be targeted by hackers. This includes hiding the WordPress version number, login page, and admin URL to make it more difficult for malicious users to gain unauthorized access to your site. By concealing these critical details, you can significantly reduce the risk of a potential security breach.

Custom Login URL

With WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO, you can easily customize the login URL of your WordPress site. This added layer of security makes it harder for hackers to find the login page and attempt to brute force their way into your website. By setting a unique and hard-to-guess login URL, you can effectively protect your site from unauthorized login attempts and enhance its overall security posture.

Database Security

This plugin also offers advanced database security features to safeguard your website’s data. WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO allows you to change the default WordPress database prefix to mitigate the risk of SQL injection attacks. Additionally, it enables you to restrict access to specific database tables, further enhancing the security of your site’s sensitive information.

File System Protection

Another vital aspect of website security is protecting the file system from unauthorized access. WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO helps secure your WordPress files by preventing directory browsing and limiting file access permissions. By restricting direct access to critical files, you can prevent hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities and compromising your website’s integrity.

Additional Security Features

In addition to the core security enhancements, WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO offers a range of supplementary features to bolster your website’s security. These include IP-based access control, automatic backups, and security logging to track and monitor suspicious activity. With these extra layers of protection, you can fortify your WordPress site against potential threats and ensure its continued smooth operation.


WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO is a comprehensive security plugin designed to safeguard your WordPress website against a wide range of online threats. By hiding critical information, customizing login URLs, securing the database and file system, and leveraging additional security features, you can significantly enhance the overall security of your site. With WP Hide & Security Enhancer PRO, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your website is well-protected and secure from potential cyber attacks.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    April 18th, 2024
  • License
  • Product Version

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