WooCommerce Order Status Control

WooCommerce Order Status Control

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Product Description

About WooCommerce Order Status Control

WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform that allows businesses to sell products and services online. One aspect of managing an online store is keeping track of the orders placed by customers and ensuring their timely delivery. WooCommerce has a built-in order status system that helps store owners manage the order process. However, this system may not always offer the flexibility and control that businesses need.

This is where the WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin comes in. This powerful plugin enhances the order status functionality of WooCommerce, giving store owners greater control over the order process. With this plugin, you can easily create custom order statuses and manage them in a simple and intuitive interface.

The default order status system in WooCommerce consists of six predefined statuses: pending, processing, on-hold, completed, cancelled, and refunded. While these statuses cover most scenarios, they may not be sufficient for every business. For example, if you offer pre-order products or have a different workflow for certain types of orders, you may need additional order statuses to accurately reflect the progress of the order.

The WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin allows you to create as many custom order statuses as you need. You can easily define the names and properties of each status, including its position in the order status workflow, its visibility to customers, and whether it counts towards stock management. This level of customization ensures that you can accurately represent the order process in your store and keep your customers informed about the status of their orders.

In addition to creating custom order statuses, the plugin also offers various tools for managing and updating orders. You can bulk update the status of multiple orders at once, saving you time and effort. You can also set up automatic status changes based on certain conditions, such as when an order is paid or when a product is back in stock. These automation features help streamline your order management process and ensure that orders progress smoothly.

The WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin also comes with various notification options, allowing you to notify customers at important stages of the order process. You can send custom email notifications when an order moves to a specific status, keeping your customers informed and engaged. This level of communication is essential for providing excellent customer service and building trust with your customers.

Overall, the WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin is a powerful tool that enhances the order status functionality of WooCommerce. With its ability to create custom order statuses, manage orders in bulk, automate status changes, and send notifications, this plugin offers store owners greater control and flexibility in managing their order process. If you want to take your WooCommerce store to the next level and provide a better customer experience, the WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin is a must-have addition to your toolkit.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    January 23rd, 2023
  • License
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