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About Restrict content pro | Resume Manager


Restrict Content Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to restrict access to content on your website based on membership levels. Resume Manager is an add-on for Restrict Content Pro that adds the ability for users to create and manage their resumes on your website. This combination of tools is perfect for websites that offer career-related content and services.

Key Features

With Restrict Content Pro and Resume Manager, you can easily create a membership site that offers exclusive access to premium resume building and management tools. Some key features of Resume Manager include:

  • Ability for users to create and edit their resumes directly on your website
  • Customizable resume templates to choose from
  • Integration with popular job board plugins for seamless job applications
  • Member profile pages to showcase resumes and job applications

Membership Levels

Restrict Content Pro allows you to create multiple membership levels with different access restrictions. With Resume Manager, you can create premium membership levels that offer access to advanced resume building features. This gives you the flexibility to offer different levels of service to your users based on their needs and budget.

Integration with Job Boards

If your website features job listings or a job board, Resume Manager integrates seamlessly with popular job board plugins. This allows users to apply for jobs directly through their resumes created on your website. The integration streamlines the job application process and provides a cohesive user experience for job seekers.

Monetization Opportunities

By offering premium resume building tools through your membership site, you can create new monetization opportunities for your website. You can charge members a fee to access Resume Manager and premium resume templates, creating a recurring revenue stream. Additionally, you can partner with job boards or recruitment agencies for affiliate opportunities, further monetizing your career-related content.

Support and Updates

When you use Restrict Content Pro with Resume Manager, you can benefit from ongoing support and updates from the plugin developers. This ensures that your membership site remains secure, functional, and up-to-date with the latest features and enhancements. The dedicated support team can help you troubleshoot any issues and make the most of the plugins’ capabilities.


With Restrict Content Pro and Resume Manager, you can create a powerful membership site that offers valuable resume building and management tools to your users. Whether you run a career-focused website, a job board, or a recruitment platform, these tools can help you provide a premium user experience and generate revenue from your content and services.

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