Pretty Links Pro

Pretty Links Pro


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Product Description

About Pretty Links Pro

Pretty Links Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create attractive, short, and memorable links for your website. With this plugin, you can easily turn long, ugly URLs into shorter, more user-friendly links. Not only does this make your links look better, but it also helps improve your brand recognition and makes it easier for your audience to remember and share your links.

One of the key features of Pretty Links Pro is the ability to create custom link aliases. Instead of using a generic URL that includes your domain name and a random string of characters, you can create a personalized link that reflects your brand or the content that you’re linking to. For example, instead of sharing a link like “,” you can create a link like “” or “” These custom aliases not only look better but they also help to increase click-through rates and engagement with your links.

In addition to custom link aliases, Pretty Links Pro also offers advanced redirect options. This means that you can use the plugin to create 301, 302, and 307 redirects, which are important for maintaining search engine rankings and preserving the integrity of your website’s link structure. You can also use the plugin to set expiration dates for your links, so that they automatically redirect to a new URL after a certain period of time. This is useful for limited-time offers or promotions that you want to create urgency for.

Another feature of Pretty Links Pro is the ability to track and analyze the performance of your links. The plugin includes detailed analytics and reporting tools that allow you to see how many times each link has been clicked, where the clicks are coming from, and how effective your links are in driving traffic to your website. This data can help you make informed decisions about your link-building strategies and optimize your marketing campaigns.

Pretty Links Pro also offers a range of additional features and integrations, including the ability to split-test different link versions to see which performs better, the option to cloak your links to make them appear as if they’re part of your website, and compatibility with popular affiliate marketing platforms.

Overall, Pretty Links Pro is a must-have plugin for any WordPress website owner or marketer who wants to improve the appearance, functionality, and effectiveness of their links. With its customizable link aliases, advanced redirect options, analytics capabilities, and other powerful features, this plugin can help you create a more professional and user-friendly website experience.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    April 28th, 2023
  • License
  • Product Version

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