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About Pie register | WooCommerce

Pie Register – A Comprehensive User Registration Plugin for WooCommerce

Pie Register is a powerful user registration plugin that integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, offering a comprehensive solution for managing user accounts on your e-commerce website. With features like custom registration forms, email verification, user roles, and more, Pie Register enhances the user registration process for both administrators and customers alike.

Custom Registration Forms Tailored for WooCommerce

Pie Register allows you to create custom registration forms with specific fields that are relevant to your e-commerce store. This flexibility enables you to collect the necessary information from customers during the registration process, helping you tailor their shopping experience and gain valuable insights into their preferences.

Secure User Registration with Email Verification

One of the key features of Pie Register is the ability to set up email verification for user accounts. This extra layer of security helps prevent fraudulent registrations and ensures that only legitimate users can access your WooCommerce store. By verifying email addresses, you can build trust with your customers and safeguard their personal information.

Manage User Roles and Permissions Effortlessly

Pie Register simplifies the process of assigning user roles and permissions within your WooCommerce store. You can create custom user roles with specific capabilities and restrictions, giving you full control over who can access certain areas of your website. Whether you have administrators, editors, or customers, Pie Register allows you to customize user roles to suit your e-commerce needs.

Enhanced User Experience with Social Login Integration

By integrating social login functionality, Pie Register makes it easier for customers to create accounts on your WooCommerce store. Users can quickly register or log in using their existing social media accounts, saving time and providing a seamless user experience. This convenience can lead to higher conversion rates and increased customer satisfaction.

Robust Reporting and Analytics for User Registration

Pie Register offers robust reporting and analytics tools that provide valuable insights into user registration trends on your WooCommerce website. You can track registration rates, monitor user activity, and analyze registration form performance to optimize your e-commerce strategy. With this data-driven approach, you can make informed decisions to enhance the user registration process and drive business growth.


Overall, Pie Register is a versatile user registration plugin that enhances the functionality of WooCommerce stores. With its customizable registration forms, email verification, user roles, and social login integration, Pie Register streamlines the user registration process and improves the overall user experience. By leveraging the features of Pie Register, you can effectively manage user accounts, enhance security, and gain valuable insights to drive the success of your e-commerce business.

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