PhotoMosaic for WordPress

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Product Description

PhotoMosaic for WordPressnPhotoMosaic provides an option in conformity with WordPress? Create Gallery float up to expectation allows thou to pick ?PhotoMosaic? namely you gallery?s theme. Your WordPress Gallery is below converted of a visually-striking design piece by charity it a fresh masonry sketch invaluable of you favorite plan blog.nFeatures:nnWorks including WordPress? native gallery system. Simply pick out ?PhotoMosaic? from the template area then thou gender you gallerynGalleries execute be taken from a list regarding images, images devoted according to a post/page, and classes yet tags among somebody taxonomy (default and custom)nPlugin Options Page to effortlessly configure entire concerning your PhotoMosaic galleriesnSupports inline shortcode params (eg: [photomosaic width=?500? height=?300?])nTemplate Tag guide (eg: )nWidget supportnFully ResponsivenMasonry LayoutnCustomizable columns, width, padding, or more!nSupports Lazy LoadingnUses all of thine WordPress photo renditions after pick out the beneficial photograph because the amazing layoutnHave photographs link after a URL (with alternative in conformity with commence so URL among a current window/tab), originate a large model over the picture in a Lightbox, or don?t edit them links at all.nCSS3 loading animationsnWorks with you favorite Lightbox plugin (or uses the packaged PrettyPhoto)nIncludes code areas because Custom CSS and an onReady CallbacknUses the penurity WordPress margin because tried or actual SEOnGracefully degrades according to the norm WordPress edge into historical (feature poor) browsers and postulate a user doesn?t hold Javascript enabled

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