Paid memberships pro | Register Helper

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About Paid memberships pro | Register Helper

Paid Memberships Pro Overview

Paid Memberships Pro is a robust and flexible WordPress plugin that allows you to create and manage membership sites with ease. One of the key features of Paid Memberships Pro is the Register Helper add-on, which enhances the registration process by allowing you to collect custom user information at the time of sign-up. This add-on is particularly useful for sites that require additional user data beyond the standard username and email address.

Benefits of Register Helper

The Register Helper add-on offers several benefits to site owners. By customizing the registration form, you can gather specific information about your users that is relevant to your site or membership offering. This can help you better understand your audience, tailor your content to their needs, and create a more personalized user experience. Additionally, the ability to collect custom user data at registration can streamline the onboarding process and make it easier for users to sign up for your site.

How to Use Register Helper

Using the Register Helper add-on with Paid Memberships Pro is simple. Once you have installed and activated the add-on, you can use the provided code snippets to add custom fields to your registration form. These fields can be set as required or optional, and you can choose from a variety of field types, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. The add-on also includes built-in validation rules to ensure that the data entered by users is correct.

Examples of Custom Fields

There are countless possibilities for the types of custom fields you can add to your registration form using Register Helper. Some common examples include fields for user preferences, demographic information, or additional contact details. For example, if you run a fitness site, you might add fields for users to input their height, weight, and fitness goals. Alternatively, if you have a cooking site, you could include fields for users to specify their favorite cuisines or dietary restrictions.

Collecting and Using Custom User Data

Once you have added custom fields to your registration form and users start signing up, the data they provide will be stored in your WordPress database. You can access this data at any time through the Paid Memberships Pro dashboard or by exporting it to a CSV file. This information can help you better understand your users, tailor your marketing efforts, and improve your site’s overall user experience. Just be sure to follow best practices for data privacy and security when collecting and using custom user data.


In conclusion, the Register Helper add-on for Paid Memberships Pro is a powerful tool for enhancing the registration process on your membership site. By collecting custom user data at sign-up, you can gain valuable insights into your audience, personalize the user experience, and streamline the onboarding process. Whether you want to gather demographic information, user preferences, or other relevant data, Register Helper makes it easy to create a tailored registration form that meets your specific needs.

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