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About Paid memberships pro | Pay by Check


Paid Memberships Pro is a popular membership plugin for WordPress that enables you to create and manage memberships on your website. One of the payment options it offers is the ability for members to pay by check. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of offering this payment method and how you can set it up on your Paid Memberships Pro site.

Benefits of Paying by Check:

Allowing members to pay by check can be advantageous for several reasons. Some members may prefer this payment method because they do not have a credit card or simply prefer to pay offline. Additionally, paying by check can be more convenient for members who want to pay for their membership in one lump sum rather than in regular installments. Offering this option can make your membership program more inclusive and cater to a wider audience.

Setting Up Pay by Check in Paid Memberships Pro:

Setting up the pay by check option in Paid Memberships Pro is a straightforward process. First, you will need to enable the check payment gateway in the plugin settings. Then, you can customize the messaging that members see when selecting this payment option, such as providing instructions on where to mail the check and how long they have to send payment. You can also choose whether to allow members immediate access to your site or require manual approval once their check has been received.

Communicating Policies and Expectations:

It is essential to clearly communicate your check payment policies and expectations to members. This includes outlining the timeframe for receiving payment, any late fees that may apply, and what will happen if a check bounces. Providing this information upfront can help mitigate any potential issues and ensure a smooth payment process for both you and your members.

Tracking Check Payments:

Once you have enabled the pay by check option, you will need to have a system in place for tracking payments. This may involve manually updating member statuses in Paid Memberships Pro once you receive a check or using a separate spreadsheet to keep track of payments. It is crucial to stay organized and keep accurate records to ensure that all members are paid up and have access to the appropriate membership benefits.


Offering the pay by check option in Paid Memberships Pro can be a valuable addition to your membership site. By providing this alternative payment method, you can attract a broader range of members and make it easier for them to join your community. With the right setup and communication in place, accepting check payments can be a seamless process that benefits both you and your members.

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