MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin

MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin

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Product Description

About MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin

The MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin is the perfect tool for any WordPress site owner who wants to showcase their audio content in a stylish and functional way. With this plugin, you can easily add a sticky audio player to any page or post on your site, allowing your visitors to listen to your audio files while they browse your content.

One of the standout features of this plugin is its versatility. It supports multiple audio formats, including mp3, wav, and ogg, giving you the flexibility to upload and play any type of audio file you want. You can easily add your audio files to the player by simply uploading them to your media library, and then selecting them in the plugin’s settings.

The sticky player itself is highly customizable, allowing you to change its appearance to match the style of your website. You can choose from a range of different player layouts, including a compact bar, a standard bar, or a large player. You can also choose from a variety of different color schemes, allowing you to create a player that fits seamlessly with your site’s design.

One of the most useful features of the MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin is its ability to create playlists. You can easily create multiple playlists and add your audio files to them, allowing you to organize your audio content in a way that makes sense for your site. You can also set the order in which the files are played, giving you complete control over the listening experience.

Another standout feature of this plugin is its advanced playback controls. The player includes buttons for play, pause, and skip, as well as a progress bar that allows your visitors to easily navigate through your audio files. You can also enable a shuffle mode, allowing your visitors to listen to your audio files in a random order.

The MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin also includes a range of other useful features, such as the ability to autoplay your audio files when a page loads, the option to display the player in a popup window, and the ability to show/hide the player on specific devices or pages. The plugin is also fully responsive, ensuring that your audio player looks great on all devices.

In conclusion, the MP3 Sticky Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful and versatile tool for any WordPress site owner who wants to showcase their audio content. With its customizable player, playlist support, and advanced playback controls, this plugin is the perfect solution for anyone looking to take their audio content to the next level.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    December 15th, 2021
  • License
  • Product Version

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