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About Memberpress | Drip Tags


Memberpress and Drip are powerful tools that can help businesses streamline their customer management and marketing efforts. Memberpress is a popular membership plugin for WordPress, while Drip is known for its advanced email marketing automation features. When used together, they can create a seamless experience for managing membership sites and email campaigns.

What are Drip Tags?

Drip tags are labels that you can apply to subscribers based on their actions or characteristics. These tags help you segment your email list and send targeted messages to specific groups of subscribers. By using Drip tags, you can personalize your communications and deliver more relevant content to your audience.

Integration with Memberpress

By integrating Memberpress with Drip, you can automatically apply Drip tags to your members based on their membership status or actions on your site. This integration allows you to create targeted email campaigns for different membership levels or specific user behaviors. For example, you can send a series of onboarding emails to new members or offer special promotions to long-time subscribers.

Benefits of Using Memberpress and Drip Tags

There are several benefits to using Memberpress and Drip tags together. First, you can create a more personalized experience for your members by sending them relevant content based on their interests or behavior. Second, you can automate the process of tagging members, saving you time and ensuring that your marketing efforts are always up-to-date. Finally, by targeting your emails more effectively, you can increase engagement and conversions among your subscribers.

How to Set Up Drip Tags in Memberpress

Setting up Drip tags in Memberpress is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to connect your Memberpress and Drip accounts. Once connected, you can choose which actions in Memberpress should trigger the application of Drip tags. For example, you can apply a tag when a member signs up for a specific membership level or when they renew their subscription. You can also create rules for removing tags if certain conditions are met.

Best Practices for Using Drip Tags

When using Drip tags with Memberpress, it’s important to have a clear tagging strategy in place. Make sure you have a consistent tagging system and that all team members are familiar with how tags are applied. Regularly review your tags to ensure they are still relevant and effective. Additionally, test different tag combinations to see which ones lead to the highest engagement rates with your email campaigns.


Memberpress and Drip tags can be powerful tools for managing memberships and running targeted email campaigns. By integrating these two platforms and using Drip tags strategically, you can create a more personalized experience for your members and drive higher engagement with your marketing efforts. Take the time to set up Drip tags in Memberpress and experiment with different tagging strategies to see how they can benefit your business.

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