Gravity perks | Randomizer

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About Gravity perks | Randomizer


Welcome to the world of Gravity Perks and its powerful Randomizer perk! This innovative tool allows you to add randomness and unpredictability to your Gravity Forms, providing you with endless possibilities to enhance your forms and create a more engaging user experience. Whether you’re looking to spice up your surveys, contests, or any other type of form, the Randomizer perk can help you achieve just that.

What is Gravity Perks?

Gravity Perks is a collection of add-ons for the popular Gravity Forms plugin for WordPress. These perks are designed to extend the functionality of Gravity Forms, allowing you to do more with your forms and customize them to better suit your needs. From calculations to conditional logic, file uploads to post creation, Gravity Perks offers a wide range of tools to enhance your forms and streamline your form-building process.

What is the Randomizer perk?

The Randomizer perk is one of the many perks available within the Gravity Perks collection. With this perk, you can add a new level of excitement and unpredictability to your forms by introducing randomness into your form fields. This can be particularly useful for things like giveaways, quizzes, surveys, or any other situation where you want to randomly assign values, choices, or outcomes.

How does the Randomizer perk work?

The Randomizer perk works by allowing you to set up predefined lists of values that can be randomly selected when a form is submitted. For example, you could create a list of prizes and have the Randomizer perk randomly assign a prize to each participant in a giveaway. You can also use the Randomizer perk to randomize the order of questions in a quiz, shuffle multiple choice options, or even generate random coupon codes for your users.

Why use the Randomizer perk?

There are many reasons why you might want to use the Randomizer perk in your forms. For starters, adding randomness can make your forms more engaging and fun for users. It can also help you gather more diverse and unbiased data in surveys and quizzes, as well as increase user participation in contests and giveaways. Additionally, the Randomizer perk can save you time by automating the process of assigning random values or outcomes, making it a valuable tool for streamlining your form-building workflow.


In conclusion, the Randomizer perk is a powerful tool that can add a new dimension of excitement and interactivity to your Gravity Forms. Whether you’re looking to engage users, gather unbiased data, or simply streamline your form-building process, the Randomizer perk has you covered. So why not take your forms to the next level with Gravity Perks and the Randomizer perk today?

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