Gravity perks | Multi Page Form Navigation

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About Gravity perks | Multi Page Form Navigation

Gravity perks is a powerful plugin that enhances Gravity Forms, a popular form-building tool for WordPress. The Multi Page Form Navigation perk is one of the many features offered by Gravity perks, allowing users to create seamless and convenient multi-page forms.

Streamlined Form Navigation

With the Multi Page Form Navigation perk, users can easily navigate through multi-page forms, making the form-filling process more user-friendly. This perk adds a convenient set of navigation buttons, such as “Previous” and “Next,” at the bottom of each page, allowing form users to easily move between pages without losing any completed information.

Improved User Experience

The ability to navigate through multi-page forms with ease significantly improves the user experience. Users no longer need to scroll through long forms or navigate back to the beginning if they need to review or edit a previous page. The Multi Page Form Navigation perk saves time and effort for both form users and form creators.

Customizable Navigation Buttons

The Multi Page Form Navigation perk offers customization options for the navigation buttons. Users can easily change the colors, sizes, labels, and positions of the navigation buttons to match their website’s design and branding. This level of customization ensures that the navigation buttons integrate seamlessly with the overall form design.

Save Progress and Resume

One significant advantage of using multi-page forms is the ability to save progress and resume at a later time. The Multi Page Form Navigation perk integrates with Gravity Forms’ built-in save and resume feature. Users can fill out a portion of the form, save their progress, and return to complete it later. The navigation buttons will remember the user’s progress and direct them to the last completed page, making it incredibly convenient and user-friendly.

Conditional Navigation

Conditional logic plays a crucial role in form navigation. The Multi Page Form Navigation perk fully supports conditional logic, allowing users to create dynamic navigation rules based on user input. This means that users can be redirected to specific pages or sections based on their previous answers, ensuring a smooth and personalized form-filling experience.


The Multi Page Form Navigation perk offered by Gravity perks is a must-have for any form creator using Gravity Forms. It streamlines form navigation, improves the user experience, and offers customization options to match any website design. With the added functionality of saving progress and resume, as well as conditional navigation, this perk takes multi-page forms to the next level. Enhance your form-building experience and give your users a seamless form-filling experience with Gravity perks’ Multi Page Form Navigation perk.

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