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About Gravity perks | Email Users


Gravity Perks is a powerful suite of add-ons for the popular Gravity Forms plugin, allowing users to enhance and extend the functionality of their forms. One such add-on is Email Users, which provides users with the ability to send emails to specific groups of users directly from Gravity Forms.

How Email Users Works

With Email Users, users can easily create and send personalized emails to groups of recipients based on specific criteria. This add-on integrates seamlessly with Gravity Forms, allowing users to access their form submissions and use the data to target specific groups of users for email communication.

Key Features of Email Users

Email Users offers a range of features to make email communication more efficient and effective. Users can segment their email lists based on form submissions, target specific groups of users, and personalize their emails with dynamic content. The add-on also includes advanced filtering options, customizable email templates, and the ability to track email opens and clicks.

Benefits of Using Email Users

By leveraging the Email Users add-on, users can streamline their email communication processes and create more targeted and personalized campaigns. This can lead to higher engagement rates, increased conversions, and ultimately, a better return on investment. The add-on also helps users save time and effort by automating the process of sending personalized emails to specific groups of users.

How Email Users Can Benefit Your Business

For businesses, Email Users can be a valuable tool for improving customer communication, increasing brand loyalty, and driving sales. By sending targeted emails to different segments of their customer base, businesses can deliver more relevant and engaging content, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction. The tracking features of the add-on also provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of email campaigns, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions to improve their marketing strategies.

Get Started with Email Users Today

If you’re looking to enhance your email marketing efforts and improve your communication with users, Gravity Perks’ Email Users add-on is a must-have tool. With its advanced features and seamless integration with Gravity Forms, Email Users can help you create more personalized and targeted email campaigns, leading to better results for your business. Get started with Email Users today and take your email marketing to the next level!

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