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About Gravity forms | Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On


Gravity Forms is a popular form-building plugin for WordPress that allows users to create advanced and dynamic forms with ease. Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On is a powerful integration that adds an extra layer of security to Gravity Forms by leveraging Cloudflare’s CAPTCHA service known as Turnstile. This add-on helps to prevent spam submissions on your forms and enhance the overall security of your website.

Key Features

The Gravity Forms | Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On offers a range of key features that can benefit your website:

  • Integration with Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA service
  • Protects forms from spam submissions
  • Enhances website security
  • Easy configuration and setup

How it Works

Once you have installed and activated the Gravity Forms | Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On, you can easily set up the integration by connecting your Gravity Forms with your Cloudflare account. The add-on will then handle the CAPTCHA verification process for your forms, ensuring that only legitimate users can submit entries.


By using the Gravity Forms | Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On, you can enjoy a range of benefits for your website:

  • Reduced spam submissions on your forms
  • Improved security and protection against bots
  • Enhanced user experience by ensuring only legitimate users can submit forms
  • Seamless integration with your existing Gravity Forms


Overall, the Gravity Forms | Cloudflare Turnstile Add-On is a valuable extension for websites that rely on Gravity Forms for collecting user data. By integrating Cloudflare’s Turnstile CAPTCHA service, you can enhance the security of your forms and protect your website from spam submissions. The easy setup process and key features make this add-on a must-have for website owners looking to improve their form security.

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