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Facetwp | Polylang

Facetwp | Polylang

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About Facetwp | Polylang


FacetWP is a powerful tool that allows users to add faceted search to their WordPress websites. Polylang, on the other hand, is a popular multilingual plugin that enables users to create bilingual or multilingual WordPress sites. When these two plugins are used together, they can enhance the functionality and user experience of a website, especially for those looking to cater to a diverse audience.

FacetWP Overview

FacetWP simplifies the process of adding faceted search to a website. Faceted search allows users to narrow down search results by applying filters based on different criteria such as categories, tags, custom fields, and more. This makes it easier for users to find the content they are looking for quickly and efficiently. FacetWP is highly flexible and customizable, making it suitable for a wide range of websites, from e-commerce stores to content-heavy blogs.

Polylang Overview

Polylang is a popular multilingual plugin for WordPress that allows users to create bilingual or multilingual websites. With Polylang, users can easily translate their content, media, categories, tags, and more into multiple languages. The plugin is user-friendly and comes with features such as language switching widgets, customizable language URLs, and more. Polylang is compatible with most WordPress themes and plugins, making it a versatile choice for website owners looking to cater to an international audience.

FacetWP and Polylang Integration

When FacetWP and Polylang are used together, website owners can create a seamless multilingual search experience for their users. By integrating these two plugins, users can search for content in multiple languages using faceted search filters. For example, a user searching for a product on an e-commerce site can filter the results by language, category, price range, and more. This allows for a more personalized and intuitive search experience, improving user satisfaction and engagement.

Benefits of Using FacetWP with Polylang

– Enhanced User Experience: By combining faceted search with multilingual support, users can quickly find the content they are looking for in their preferred language. This improves user experience and encourages users to stay on the site longer.
– Improved Search Functionality: FacetWP enhances the search functionality of a website by allowing users to apply multiple filters simultaneously. When used with Polylang, users can further refine their search results based on language, making it easier to find relevant content.
– Increased Engagement: A user-friendly search experience can lead to increased engagement and conversions. By providing users with a seamless multilingual search experience, website owners can attract and retain a diverse audience.


FacetWP and Polylang are powerful plugins that can take your WordPress website to the next level. By integrating these two plugins, website owners can create a personalized and intuitive search experience for users in multiple languages. Whether you run an e-commerce site, a blog, or a content-heavy website, using FacetWP with Polylang can help you cater to a diverse audience and improve user engagement. Consider implementing these plugins on your website to enhance its functionality and provide a seamless search experience for users worldwide.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    March 23, 2024
  • License
  • Product Version

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