Easy digital downloads | Multi-Currency

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About Easy digital downloads | Multi-Currency


Looking to enhance your Easy Digital Downloads store by enabling multi-currency support to attract a global audience? Our blog on Easy Digital Downloads | Multi-Currency is here to guide you through the process of integrating multi-currency functionality into your EDD store, allowing customers to view and make purchases in their preferred currency.

Benefits of Multi-Currency Support

By incorporating multi-currency support into your Easy Digital Downloads store, you can cater to a diverse range of customers from around the world. This can help increase your customer base, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your sales revenue. Additionally, offering multi-currency support can enhance the overall shopping experience for your international customers, making it easier for them to understand pricing and make purchase decisions.

How to Enable Multi-Currency in Easy Digital Downloads

Enabling multi-currency support in Easy Digital Downloads is a straightforward process that involves installing a currency switcher plugin or extension. These plugins allow you to display prices in multiple currencies and automatically convert them based on real-time exchange rates. Once you have installed and configured the currency switcher plugin, customers visiting your EDD store will be able to select their preferred currency from a drop-down menu and view prices in that currency.

Customizing Currency Display

With multi-currency support enabled in your Easy Digital Downloads store, you can customize the way currencies are displayed to suit your branding and design preferences. Most currency switcher plugins allow you to choose where the currency switcher is displayed on your site, as well as customize the currency symbols and formatting. By making these customizations, you can ensure that the currency switcher seamlessly integrates with your EDD store’s design and provides a user-friendly experience for your customers.

Monitoring Exchange Rates

It’s important to regularly monitor exchange rates when using multi-currency support in Easy Digital Downloads to ensure that prices are accurately converted and updated. By staying informed about exchange rate fluctuations, you can make adjustments to your pricing strategy as needed to maintain competitiveness and maximize revenue. Some currency switcher plugins offer automatic exchange rate updates, making it easier to keep track of currency conversion rates and ensure that prices are always up to date.


Integrating multi-currency support into your Easy Digital Downloads store is a valuable way to expand your customer reach and improve the shopping experience for international buyers. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can easily enable multi-currency functionality in your EDD store and start reaping the benefits of catering to a global audience. Enhance your EDD store today with multi-currency support and watch your sales soar!

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