CatFolders Pro – WP Media Folders

CatFolders Pro – WP Media Folders


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About CatFolders Pro – WP Media Folders


Explore the advanced features of CatFolders Pro – WP Media Folders, a powerful tool designed to enhance your WordPress media library management. Say goodbye to the time-consuming task of locating and organizing your media files with this user-friendly plugin.

Efficient Media File Organization

With CatFolders Pro, you can create custom folders and subfolders within your WordPress media library to organize your files in a more structured way. This efficient organization system allows you to easily navigate through your media library and find the files you need without any hassle.

Enhanced Search and Filtering

The plugin comes with advanced search and filtering options that make it easier to locate specific media files based on file type, date, or category. You can quickly filter your media library to display only the files you are looking for, saving you time and effort.

Improved User Experience

CatFolders Pro offers a seamless user experience with its intuitive interface and user-friendly features. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, you will find the plugin easy to use and navigate, enhancing your overall media library management experience.

Boosted Workflow Productivity

By streamlining the process of organizing and managing your media files, CatFolders Pro helps boost your workflow productivity. Spend less time searching for files and more time creating content with this efficient media library management tool.

Advanced Bulk Actions

The plugin allows you to perform advanced bulk actions on your media files, such as moving multiple files to a specific folder or updating file attributes in one go. This time-saving feature simplifies the management of large media libraries, making it easier to keep your files organized.

Seamless Integration

CatFolders Pro seamlessly integrates with the WordPress media library, providing an enhanced media management experience without disrupting your existing workflow. You can start using the plugin right away and immediately benefit from its powerful features.


Experience the convenience and efficiency of managing your WordPress media library with CatFolders Pro – WP Media Folders. Say goodbye to cluttered media libraries and hello to organized and accessible files with this feature-rich plugin. Try CatFolders Pro today and take your media library management to the next level!

Download Information

  • Price

    INR 199.00

  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    March 12, 2024
  • License
  • Product Version

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