Qsm / quiz and survey master | Advanced Question Types

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About Qsm / quiz and survey master | Advanced Question Types


QSM, also known as Quiz and Survey Master, is a premium WordPress plugin that offers a wide range of advanced question types for creating engaging quizzes and surveys on your website. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key features of QSM, specifically focusing on its advanced question types.

Multiple Choice Questions

One of the most common question types available in QSM is Multiple Choice Questions. With this question type, you can provide users with multiple answer choices, allowing them to select the most appropriate option. Additionally, you can set up single or multiple correct answers, as well as provide explanations for each choice.

Fill in the Blanks

Another interesting question type offered by QSM is Fill in the Blanks. This allows you to create questions with missing words that users need to fill in. You can customize the number of blanks, as well as provide hints or clues to help users complete the sentence correctly.

Matching Questions

Matching Questions is a unique feature of QSM that enables you to create pairs of items that users need to match correctly. This type of question is perfect for assessing users’ ability to make connections or associations between different concepts or terms.

Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Questions allow users to provide brief responses to open-ended questions. This question type is ideal for gathering qualitative data or opinions from users, as it allows them to express their thoughts in their own words without any restrictions on the answer length.

Essay Questions

Essay Questions are an advanced question type in QSM that enables users to write detailed responses to complex prompts or topics. This question type is useful for assessments that require in-depth explanations or analyses, allowing users to showcase their critical thinking and writing skills.


In conclusion, QSM’s advanced question types offer a versatile and interactive way to create engaging quizzes and surveys on your WordPress website. Whether you need to assess users’ knowledge, opinions, or writing skills, QSM provides a wide range of question types to suit your needs. With features like Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, Matching Questions, Short Answer Questions, and Essay Questions, QSM empowers you to design custom assessments that are both informative and enjoyable for your audience.

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