Formidable forms | ACF

Formidable forms | ACF

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About Formidable forms | ACF


Formidable Forms and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) are two powerful and popular WordPress plugins that can greatly enhance the functionality and customization of your website. By combining the capabilities of these two plugins, you can create highly customizable forms with advanced data management features.

Formidable Forms Overview:

Formidable Forms is a versatile form-building plugin that allows you to create simple contact forms, complex surveys, quizzes, registration forms, and more. With its drag-and-drop form builder, you can easily create custom forms with various field types such as text fields, email fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and file uploads.

Advanced Custom Fields Overview:

Advanced Custom Fields is a plugin that enables you to add custom fields to your WordPress content types, including posts, pages, custom post types, and taxonomy terms. This allows you to easily customize the way your content is displayed without writing any code.

Integration Benefits:

When you integrate Formidable Forms with Advanced Custom Fields, you can take your website customization to the next level. By using ACF to add custom fields to your Formidable Forms, you can collect and display additional data in your forms. This can be useful for creating dynamic and personalized user experiences.

Use Cases:

Here are some examples of how you can use Formidable Forms and ACF together:

  • Create a registration form with custom fields using ACF to collect additional user information such as address, phone number, and interests.
  • Build a survey form with conditional logic that displays different sets of questions based on user responses, and store the results in custom fields using ACF.
  • Develop a product order form with custom options and variations, and store the order details in custom fields using ACF for easy management.


Integrating Formidable Forms with Advanced Custom Fields is straightforward. Simply create a form in Formidable Forms and use ACF’s field groups to add custom fields to the form. You can then map the ACF fields to the corresponding Formidable Forms fields to populate the form with the custom data.


Formidable Forms and Advanced Custom Fields are a powerful combination that can help you create highly customized and interactive forms for your WordPress website. By integrating these two plugins, you can take advantage of their respective strengths to build forms that meet your specific requirements and provide a seamless user experience. Whether you need simple contact forms or complex data collection forms, Formidable Forms and ACF have you covered.

Download Information

  • Price


  • Support
    One Year
  • Usage
    Unlimited Domain
  • Downloads
    One-click Instant
  • Product Type
    100% Original
  • Last Updated
    March 23, 2024
  • License
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