Automatorwp | Gravity Kit

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About Automatorwp | Gravity Kit


Automatorwp | Gravity Kit is a powerful combination of two popular automation tools, Automatorwp and Gravity Forms. This integration allows users to create dynamic and fully automated workflows for their WordPress websites without any coding knowledge.

Seamless Integration

With Automatorwp | Gravity Kit, users can seamlessly integrate Gravity Forms into their automation workflows created with Automatorwp. This means that the powerful form-building capabilities of Gravity Forms can now be used to trigger a wide range of automated actions on the website.

Enhanced Automation Capabilities

By combining Automatorwp and Gravity Forms, users can now create complex automation processes that are triggered by form submissions. For example, users can now automatically tag or categorize form submissions, send customized email notifications, update user roles, and much more based on the data entered into a Gravity Form.

Personalization and Customization

Automatorwp | Gravity Kit allows users to personalize and customize their automation workflows even further. The integration with Gravity Forms enables users to create conditional actions based on the specific form fields submitted by users. This level of personalization ensures that users receive a tailored experience on the website.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

With Automatorwp | Gravity Kit, users can significantly increase the efficiency and productivity of their website by automating repetitive tasks and workflows. By automating actions triggered by form submissions, users can save time and focus on more important aspects of managing their website.

Easy to Use

Despite the advanced automation capabilities offered by Automatorwp | Gravity Kit, the integration is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. Users do not need any coding knowledge to set up and manage automation workflows using this powerful combination of tools.


Automatorwp | Gravity Kit is a game-changer for WordPress website owners who are looking to streamline their workflows and enhance their websites’ capabilities. By combining Automatorwp and Gravity Forms, users can create dynamic and personalized automation processes that improve efficiency, productivity, and user experience. If you are looking to take your website to the next level, Automatorwp | Gravity Kit is the perfect solution for you.

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