Smash Balloon | Custom Twitter Feeds Pro


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About Smash Balloon | Custom Twitter Feeds Pro


Smash Balloon is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to display custom Twitter feeds on your website. With the Custom Twitter Feeds Pro version, you can take your Twitter integration to the next level with advanced customization options and features.

Key Features

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro offers a range of features to help you enhance the way Twitter feeds are displayed on your website. Some of the key features include:

  • Advanced customization options
  • Real-time updates
  • Responsive design
  • Hashtag filtering
  • Clickable hashtags, usernames, and URLs
  • Twitter card support

Advanced Customization Options

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro allows you to customize the look and feel of your Twitter feeds to match your website’s branding. You can choose from different layout options, adjust colors and fonts, and even display custom headers and footers.

Real-Time Updates

With Custom Twitter Feeds Pro, you can display real-time updates of your Twitter feeds on your website. This ensures that your visitors always have access to the latest tweets without having to refresh the page.

Responsive Design

The plugin is fully responsive, meaning that your Twitter feeds will look great on any device, whether it’s a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. This ensures that your Twitter content is accessible to all of your website visitors.

Hashtag Filtering

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro allows you to filter your Twitter feeds based on hashtags. This is a great way to curate your content and ensure that only relevant tweets are displayed on your website.

Clickable Hashtags, Usernames, and URLs

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro makes it easy for your visitors to engage with your Twitter content by making hashtags, usernames, and URLs clickable. This encourages interaction and allows users to easily navigate to the original tweet or user profile.

Twitter Card Support

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro supports Twitter cards, which allow you to attach rich media, such as images and videos, to your tweets. This helps to make your tweets more engaging and visually appealing, increasing the chances of user engagement.


Custom Twitter Feeds Pro by Smash Balloon is the ultimate solution for integrating Twitter feeds into your WordPress website. With its advanced customization options, real-time updates, and responsive design, you can create a seamless and engaging Twitter experience for your visitors. Upgrade to Custom Twitter Feeds Pro today and take your Twitter integration to the next level!

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