Formidable forms | Abandonment

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About Formidable forms | Abandonment

What is Formidable Forms?

Formidable Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create and manage forms on their websites. Whether you want to create a simple contact form or a complex multi-page survey, Formidable Forms provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features to help you create professional and effective forms.

The Problem of Form Abandonment

Form abandonment refers to the situation where users start filling out a form but then leave the page or abandon the form without completing it. This can be a frustrating problem for website owners as it leads to lost leads, missed opportunities, and wasted marketing efforts. Understanding why users abandon forms can help website owners optimize their forms and improve conversion rates.

Formidable Forms and Form Abandonment

Formidable Forms offers a range of features and tools to help mitigate form abandonment and improve form completion rates. With features like conditional logic, multi-page forms, and ajax submission, Formidable Forms provides a seamless and user-friendly experience that encourages users to complete the forms.

Conditional Logic

Conditional logic allows users to show or hide form fields based on user actions or selections. This helps to streamline the form and reduce clutter, making it easier for users to complete the form. By dynamically adjusting the form based on user interactions, Formidable Forms reduces form abandonment and improves user experience.

Multi-Page Forms

Formidable Forms also offers the ability to create multi-page forms. Breaking up a long and complex form into multiple pages can make it more manageable for users and reduce form abandonment rates. With Formidable Forms’ drag and drop interface, creating multi-page forms is quick and easy.

Ajax Submission

Form abandonment can also occur when users click the submit button and then have to wait for the form to reload and process. With Formidable Forms’ ajax submission feature, forms are submitted asynchronously, allowing users to stay on the current page while the form is being processed. This reduces form abandonment rates and improves user experience.

Tracking and Analytics

Formidable Forms also provides tracking and analytics features that allow website owners to monitor form abandonment rates and track user behavior. By analyzing this data, website owners can identify problem areas in their forms and make data-driven improvements to reduce form abandonment rates.


Formidable Forms offers a range of features and tools to help mitigate form abandonment and improve form completion rates. With features like conditional logic, multi-page forms, ajax submission, and tracking and analytics, Formidable Forms provides an all-in-one solution to help website owners create effective and user-friendly forms that optimize conversion rates.

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