Easy Digital Downloads User History Addon

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About Easy Digital Downloads User History Addon

“Unlock the Power of Data with the Easy Digital Downloads User History Addon”

In today’s digital age, data is king. It drives decisions, provides insights, and helps businesses understand their customers like never before. And for those in the e-commerce world, having access to detailed user history data can make all the difference in boosting sales and improving customer retention.

That’s where the Easy Digital Downloads User History Addon comes in. This powerful tool allows users to track and analyze customer behavior on their Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) store, providing a comprehensive view of their customers’ interactions with their products and site.

But what exactly is the EDD User History Addon, and how can it benefit your business? Let’s dive in.

What is the EDD User History Addon?

The EDD User History Addon is a plugin that integrates seamlessly with the Easy Digital Downloads platform. It records and stores all user interactions on your EDD store, including purchases, downloads, refunds, and more.

This addon tracks both logged-in and guest users, giving you a complete picture of your customers’ actions. It also allows you to view individual user profiles, providing valuable insights into their purchasing habits, preferences, and more.

Why is User History Data Important?

User history data is crucial for any business looking to improve its online presence. By analyzing this data, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customers and make informed decisions to optimize your store.

Here are some key benefits of utilizing user history data:

1. Personalization: With user history data, you can personalize the shopping experience for each customer. By knowing their preferences and past purchases, you can recommend products that are more likely to interest them, increasing the chances of making a sale.

2. Targeted marketing: By understanding your customers’ behavior, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with them. This not only increases the chances of conversion but also helps you save money by targeting the right audience.

3. Identify pain points: User history data can help you identify any pain points in the customer journey. By analyzing where users drop off or encounter issues, you can make improvements to your store and create a smoother shopping experience, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

4. Measure success: User history data allows you to track the success of your marketing efforts and product launches. By comparing data before and after a campaign, you can see its impact and make adjustments for future strategies.

5. Improve customer retention: By understanding your customers’ behavior and preferences, you can tailor your offerings to meet their needs, increasing the chances of retaining them as loyal customers.

How does the EDD User History Addon Work?

The EDD User History Addon works by tracking all user interactions on your EDD store and storing them in a database. This data is then accessible through individual user profiles and a comprehensive overview dashboard.

The addon also allows you to filter data based on different criteria such as date range, product, or user role. This makes it easy to analyze specific segments of your customer base and gain valuable insights into their behavior.

Additionally, the addon also provides visual representations of the data through graphs and charts, making it easier to interpret and identify trends.

What Can You Track with the EDD User History Addon?

The EDD User History Addon tracks a wide range of user interactions on your EDD store. Here are some key actions that are recorded:

1. Purchases: The addon records all purchases made by users, including the products purchased, order status, and payment method.

2. Downloads: It also tracks all downloads made by users, including the product, date, and number of downloads.

3. Refunds: The addon records any refunds issued to users and the corresponding order details.

4. Login activity: It tracks when users log in and out of your site, providing insights into their frequency of visits.

5. User profile changes: Any changes made to user profiles, such as name, email, and address, are also tracked.

6. Page views: The addon records all page views made by users, giving you an idea of what pages are popular and which ones may need improvement.

7. Failed login attempts: This feature can help you identify potential security threats to your site.

These are just some examples of the data you can track with the EDD User History Addon. With this information at your fingertips, you can gain a better understanding of your customers and make data-driven decisions to improve your store.

How to Get Started with the EDD User History Addon?

Getting started with the EDD User History Addon is simple and easy. Here’s how:

1. Purchase and install the addon: The first step is to purchase the addon from the Easy Digital Downloads website and install it on your WordPress site. Once activated, it will start recording user interactions on your EDD store.

2. Set up user roles: The addon allows you to choose which user roles you want to track. By default, it tracks logged-in users, but you can also enable tracking for guest users if desired.

3. Customize settings: You can customize various settings such as the length of time data is stored and the number of records displayed per page.

4. Analyze data: Once the addon has been tracking data, you can start analyzing it by accessing individual user profiles or the overview dashboard.

5. Utilize data for optimization: Use the insights gained from the addon to optimize your store and improve the customer experience.


In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, having access to detailed user history data is crucial for success. With the Easy Digital Downloads User History Addon, businesses can unlock the power of data and gain valuable insights into their customers’ behavior.

From personalization to targeted marketing and improving customer retention, the benefits of utilizing user history data are endless. So why wait? Purchase the EDD User History Addon today and take your EDD store to the next level.

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